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Upper Secondary School Open Competition
Excellence in academic achievement
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Established in 1744 at the University of Paris, this prestigious annual competition recognizes the most brilliant upper secondary school students.
Excellence in academic achievement

The candidates, who have been selected by their teachers on the basis of the quality of their work prior to the competition, are evaluated through various tests relevant to official school curricula. These tests are however longer and more demanding than the usual school leaving certificate tests.

In 2016, the young candidate could compete in 48 fields (30 for the upper secondary high school open competition and 18 for the technological and vocational education open competition). 17,372 nominees tool part to the tests this year, in France and abroad.


Today’s winners follow in the footsteps of their most distinguished predecessors:
  • politicians: Jean Jaurès, Léon Blum, Georges Pompidou, Jean-Pierre Chevènement, Jean-Louis Bianco, Alain Juppé
  • scientists: Marcellin Berthelot, Louis Pasteur, Laurent Schwartz
  • philosophers, high officials and entrepreneurs: Jules Michelet, Jorge Semprún, Régis Debray, André Miquel, Jacqueline de Romilly, Charles de Croisset, Laurence Giovacchini, Eric-Alexandre Hennekine, Daniel Bouton, Philippe Camus, Raymond Lévy
  • writers: Charles Baudelaire, Victor Hugo, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt


Who can participate?
Pièce réalisée par les candidats au Concours Général 2017

The contest aims at honouring outstanding students and underlining the excellency of their work, as it can set a shining example for all students. It is open to students during the two last years of upper secondary education coming from public or state-agreed private schools, to graduating students coming from professional and vocational public or state-agreed private schools, as well as to graduating apprentices attending apprentice training centers.


Want to learn more about this contest? We kindly invite you to visit the website of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research:


2017 winners:
Lauréats du Concours Général des Métiers 2017 - Fonderie
  • 1st prize: M. Patrick CERVOISE, from Lycée Gustave Eiffel, in Armentières
  • 2nd prize: M. Romeo GRAVEZ, from Lycée Hector Guimard, in Lyon
  • 3rd prize: M. Jules QUENARD, from Lycée Henri Brisson, in Vierzon

Each year, several schools preparing students to casting careers suggest candidates, who were selected by their teachers beforehand. After running first tests, only the most outstanding students can perform in the final competition, which is organized by a different school from one year to the next.


The 2016 Awards Ceremony was held in the Sorbonne’s grand amphitheatre, in Paris, in attendance of the French Minister for Education, Higher Education and Research, Mrs. Najat Vallaud Belkacem, who congratulated the laureates and awarded them their prizes. In return, she was presented with the part executed by the students during the final competition.


The Fédération Forge Fonderie, which fully supports the competition, pays tribute to these brilliant young professionals each year in September with an awarding ceremony organized during the graduation ceremony at the Ecole Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge (ESFF).


Voir la vidéo   Watch a video reportage about the 2012 edition: "Concours Général 2012: un lycéen ardennais 1er au Concours Général"

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The Fédération Forge Fonderie is the French professional organization of metal shaping industries through forging, casting, metal additive manufacturing and related machining.

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