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Journée portes ouvertes dans les Lycées en 2024
15 January 2024
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Lycée François Bazin
145, avenue Charles de Gaulle - 08000 CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES
03 24 56 81 56
Vendredi 16 février 2024 de 16h30 à 19h30 
Samedi 17 février 2024 de 09h à 12h

Lycée Henri Brisson
25 avenue Henri Brisson - 18104 VIERZON
02 48 52 74 00
Samedi 17 février 2024 de 9h à 16h

Lycée Jean Prouvé
53, rue de Bonsecours - 54000 NANCY
03 83 35 25 73
Vendredi 22 mars 2024 de 13h30 à 17h30
Samedi 23 mars 2024 de 9h00 à 12h00

Lycée Loritz
29 rue des jardiniers - 54042 NANCY Cedex
03 83 36 75 42
Samedi 17 février 2024 de 9h00 à 16h00

Lycée Gustave Eiffel
96, rue Jean Lebleu - 59427 ARMENTIERES
03 20 48 43 43
Samedi 27 janvier 2024 de 9h00 à 16h30

Lycée Marie Curie
47, Boulevard Pierre de Coubertin - 60180 NOGENT SUR OISE
03 44 74 31 31
Samedi 17 février 2024 de 9h à 16h30

Lycée Hector Guimard
23, rue Claude Veyron - 69361 LYON Cedex 07
04 72 71 50 00
Samedi 3 février 2024 de 9h à 12h

Lycée Jean-Baptiste Colbert
197 avenue des Alliers - BP41 - 76141 LE PETIT QUEVILLY
02 35 72 69 11
Samedi 23 Mars 2024 de 9h à 12h



crédit photo : FOTOLIA

August 28 2024

Business climate in the European foundry industry in June and July 2024

The FISI (Foundry Industry Sentiment Indicator) index is published monthly by the European foundry association EFF (formerly CAEF) based on responses from member organizations, including the Fédération Forge Fonderie, on the business climate in the foundry sector (cast iron, steel and non-ferrous) to date and their expectations for the next six months.

Download the FISI results for June and July 2024

After three consecutive months of slight decline, the FISI index stood at 94.5 points in June before rising to 95.5 points in July, close to its level in March 2024. While this increase is welcome, the trend should be treated with caution. The general economic environment remains complex, and the foundry industry continues to face significant challenges.

First of all, most of the economies of the major European countries are experiencing a phase of stagnation, even if there have been some signs of recovery since July, notably in the automotive sector and therefore for the European foundries concerned.

Furthermore, European industry continues to face a high level of uncertainty, fuelled by unpredictable market trends and investor hesitation, although here too there is some relief and the outlook is less uncertain than initially expected.

Last but not least, it is worth highlighting the important role played by subsidies granted to foundries in third countries, enabling them to reduce their costs compared with their counterparts in the European Union.

At the same time, the BCI index declined slightly, from -0.39 to -0.46 points in June and then -0.61 in July, remaining for the last 11 months below the critical threshold of 0 index points, reflecting persistent difficulties in the business environment.


Its recent decline can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, there has been a deceleration in production indicators, which had previously shown signs of improvement. Secondly, order book levels are a cause for concern, particularly in the export sector, given the continuing uncertainties surrounding the dynamics of international trade. Finally, uncertainties surround the next European Commission and the potential changes linked to the results of the European elections which, depending on the country, may create an uncertain environment and put the brakes on investment.

Source: CAEF press releases ( and


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The Fédération Forge Fonderie is the French professional organization of metal shaping industries through forging, casting, metal additive manufacturing and related machining.

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